
My main research interests are expressive rendering and image synthesis stylization.

The subject of my PhD is linked with mountain panorama maps. It is a broad topic that covers many fields from history, cartography, to visual perception and rendering. I am focused on the style of the Atelier Pierre Novat, that produces hand-made paintings with a high aesthetic quality but still conveying information in a very efficient way. My main goal is to understand the style of the artist, i.e. translate his sensitivity and intuitions into concepts and algorithms. I also aim at providing semi-automated ways to render such panoramas and tools to allow artists to finely control their production. One of the key idea is to understand what degrees of freedom we have with respect to reality, without altering global coherence and plausibility of the panorama.


— Conference papers —
Tricher avec la lumière pour mieux percevoir
Nolan Mestres, Romain Vergne, Joëlle Thollot
Journées du Consortium 3D pour les Sciences Humaines et Sociales, 2023
— Posters —
Controllable Lighting Model for Designing Digital Panorama Maps in the Style of Novat
Nolan Mestres, Romain Vergne, Joëlle Thollot, Arthur Novat
ICA 12th Mountain Cartography Workshop, Colorado, USA, 2023
— Thesis —
Light Manipulation for an Expressive Depiction of Shape and Depth
Nolan Mestres
Grenoble Alpes University, 2022
— Journal papers —
A Stylistic Study of the Hand-Painted Winter Panorama Maps of Pierre Novat
Nolan Mestres
Cartographic Perspectives, 2022
— Journal papers —
Local Light Alignment for Multi-Scale Shape Depiction
Nolan Mestres, Romain Vergne, Camille Noûs, Joëlle Thollot
Eurographics, 2021