
My name’s Nolan Mestres. I am a post-doc within the Maverick research team (Jean Kuntzmann Laboratory, Inria Grenoble). My work focuses on expressive rendering, taking inspiration from the case study of the hand-painted panorama maps of Pierre Novat. This is a follow-up work of the PhD thesis I did under the supervision of Joëlle Thollot and Romain Vergne, at Université Grenoble Alpes. Before that, during my Master’s, I did my graduation internship under the supervision of Imari Sato, at the National Institute of Informatics (Tokyo, Japan), working on spectral rendering and fluorescence. For more information about my educational background you can browse my resume.


05-2024 - We presented the history of Atelier Novat and how it inspired the micmap project at Festival Printemps des Cartes!

04-2024 - We presented our creation process for the 7 Laux panorama at the 13th Mountain Cartography Workshop!

11-2023 - I’ll present my work as part of the ‘3D for Humanities and Social Science French Consortium’!

04-2023 - I presented our ‘Controllable Lighting Model for the Rendering of Panorama Maps’ at the 12th Mountain Cartography Workshop!

12-2022 - I defended my PhD thesis, titled ‘Light Manipulation for an Expressive Depiction of Shape and Depth’!

06-2022 - My ‘Stylistic Study of the Hand-Painted Panorama Maps of Pierre Novat’ has been accepted for publication in Cartographic Perspectives!

03-2021 - Our paper ‘Local Light Alignment for Multi-Scale Shape Depiction’ has been accepted for publication in CGF (Eurographics 2021)!

09-2018 - Got my master’s degree from Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University!


(Signal) +33 6 59 02 87 85

Maverick research team
INRIA Rhône-Alpes
655, avenue de l’Europe 38334, Saint-Ismier Cedex France